
Well, it looks like the UK’s unemployment total has fallen. Scotland has followed, reporting its own drop in unemployment. No doubt the yes campaign will sleep smugly tonight knowing it outperformed the UK as a whole. Of course, it is hard to predict how the economy will affect the referendum. Will people be more likely…

Debt and Doom

There’s a particularly worrisome article about the UK’s debt online. Whilst the article spends a lot of time trotting out the website’s credentials, and generally has such an enormously pessimistic slant that it is hard to take it completely seriously, it does bring up a lot of important points about how important debt is to…

Frack Attack

I’ve mentioned before that fracking will have an effect on Scotland’s oil and gas industry. If England develops its shale gas resources, it will result in a major drop in the price for Scotland’s gas, a major blow to the post-independence economy. Well, there have been some major developments, starting with Total backing England’s shale.…


The national debt is a big talking point in British politics right now. It stands to reason that it will be a big part of the independence debate too. Should Scotland become independent, it will have to take on a share of the UK’s debt. How much, and the interest rates Scotland will have to…

Some Stuff

Right, let’s get on with it. Henry McLeish is making a new case for the union. I’ll admit, I’m sceptical about the idea that right-wing populism is alien to Scots. It seems like an idea right out of the independence playbook. When confronted with England’s growing far-right movements, we can pretend that we are simply…

More Things

Right, let’s get down to business then. What’ve we got? I suppose the first thing is that the Scottish Referendum Act has received royal approval. I guess someone would be embarrassed if they forgot to dot that i. The Yes Campaign likes to point out how unequal the UK is. Here’s an article that seeks…

More on Europe

Right, this right here is what I’m talking about. Herman Van Rompuy has not made particularly positive comments about Catalonia remaining in the EU should it be independent. Whilst the SNP claimed that he was talking about Catalonia, not Scotland, Van Rompuy’s words are abstract enough to apply to either. The thing about people with…


Oops, looks like the BBC might be biased against the yes campaign. Well, this is good for me. I always felt that I was too much in favour of the yes campaign and rely too heavily on BBC articles. Guess this means I’ve actually been supporting the no campaign all along. In all honesty, I’m…

Land Reform and Princes Mall

With the SNP’s land reform committee gathering evidence in the highlands recently, it is easy to think of land reform as just a rural issue; absentee landlords and their hunting estates, crofters pushed off their land; these are what immediately come to mind when you think about land reform. But it has ramifications for the…